The universe gives us only joy

On the first day of spring, I threw out my shoulder blade.
The pain was so intense that, for the first time in 3–4 years, I went to bed at 6 pm.
I also took a medication (pain killer) for the first time in 6 years.
This experience has once again brought me important realizations.

🌿 Illness and pain are not necessarily bad things.
🌿 Taking medicine and not taking medicine hold the same value.
🌿 Whatever is happening now is the best possible scenario.
🌿 Everything is something I have inevitably created myself.
🌿 Instead of seeing myself as a victim, it is important to adopt a mindset of mutual support.
🌿 Being present in the “here and now” is essential.
🌿 I must always remember to appreciate my body and be grateful for everything.
🌿 I want to cherish the feeling of okagesama—acknowledging the blessings I receive from everything around me.

Last night, the pain was so overwhelming that I couldn’t take care of my husband, whom I care for at home.
But, without knowing that I was bedridden, a neighbor kindly brought me a vegetable gratin.

This morning, even though I wasn’t feeling well, I did what I could—I helped my husband take a shower and carefully washed him.
As I did, my own pain significantly subsided.

Perhaps the universe, or the divine, was watching over me.


The universe gives us only joy.
If something feels painful, it may be a sign that I am living in a way that is misaligned with my true path.


Rather than lamenting pain, I ask myself how I can transform it into joy.
With that perspective, I will continue moving forward.

If you, too, are struggling with physical discomfort or pain right now,
perhaps there is a message hidden within it.

What is your body trying to tell you?


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